1:1 Sessions
Feldenkrais Body Freedom
with Tahnee Woolf
"Tahnee Woolf is like a horse-whisperer for people..." - Jasmine Reed
"Fly Tahnee to wherever you are and you will be rewarded with amazing results" - Karm Gillespie
1:1 Feldenkrais Sessions are called 'Functional Integration Lessons'. In the session, you lie on a comfortable padded table a bit like a massage table. The teacher gently places their hands on you and uses tiny movements to interact with your nervous system and give you an awareness of how you are moving. This gentle supportive approach can enable you to learn new patterns of self organisation and self use that are more efficient, easeful and painless.
The Feldenkrais Method is incredibly effective for people with pain and stiffness, injuries and debilitating physical conditions. But it has also been used with great success by athletes, performers, office workers, labourers, the elderly, children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, people in psychological need, people interested in personal growth, and ordinary people just like you!
Feldenkrais can help YOU to:
Feldenkrais can help YOU to:
Feel Better Within Yourself
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