Tahnee is a Body Freedom Master!
She can help you to:
** Identify the body PATTERNS that have limited you in
your posture, your movement, and your BEING. ** Develop profound body AWARENESS ** Free yourself from PAIN and STIFFNESS ** Discover ways of moving that are more authentically YOU ** Remember how to move with EASE and JOY! ** Learn how to be a fully PRESENT and IN YOUR BODY |
to find out about Tahnee's "TOTAL BODY FREEDOM TELE-CLASSES!" You can do them from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world! ***************************************** If you live in Melbourne
CLICK HERE to find out about doing a 1:1 SESSION with Tahnee at her "Body Freedom" Studio or coming along to a class or a workshop. ***************************************** CLICK HERE to hear from people who have done Tahnee's Tele-Classes, workshops and 1:1 sessions
based on the remarkable Feldenkrais Method. ***************************************** CLICK HERE to read about
Tahnee's own incredible journey of recovery from chronic pain. ***************************************** |
Tahnee is an EXPERT at helping people free themselves from limiting body patterns, pain, stiffness and dysfunctional movement patterns. She will help YOU to not only melt away your body pain and stiffness, but to rediscover a feeling of grace and ease in your body, to develop profound body awareness, to get back in touch with your body, and to allow your body to be a vehicle of profound self-expression rather than the thing getting in your way. Tahnee has a thriving practice in Melbourne, Australia, working as a Feldenkrais Practitioner specialising in chronic pain. She helps people every day free themselves from pain, stiffness and movement challenges. “Tahnee I can’t remember ever feeling this good and I am grateful to you to the point of both laughter and tears.”— Liza, Barrister, severe chronic pain sufferer, Melbourne
TAHNEE'S JOURNEY Tahnee REALLY understands what it is like to live with pain, stiffness, and movement challenges. She herself suffered from a decade of chronic debilitating back pain, which forced her to leave her previous career as a lawyer. After trying EVERYTHING out there for many years, such as physio, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, cranio sacral therapy, pilates etc etc she was still in terrible pain 24 hours a day, and unable to sit or hardly even walk. She even tried spending four hours a day for six months sitting in a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber... But nothing helped. But Tahnee didn't give up. She knew she could get better, she just needed to find the key. Then one day she realised that it was something that SHE was doing that was causing her pain. It was something to do with the way that SHE was moving, the way that SHE was holding herself. So instead of looking for another quick fix, Tahnee decided to set about investigating the way she was moving and seeing if she could change it. So she asked her GP to find her someone with a Biofeedback machine... and he sent her to a Feldenkrais Pracitioner! Tahnee was SO LUCKY to discover the Feldenkrais Method when she did. After ten years of trying everything out there, she finally found something that actually looked at the REAL causes of her pain and stiffness, that wasn't a quick fix but was a REAL FIX. She found such huger relief and improvement from doing Feldenkrais, that she started doing it every day. She was seeing a Feldenkrais Practitioner 1:1 and tracking down Feldenkrais CDs from all over the world and doing them at home. And to her excitement, she kept improving and improving and improving! As she learned more about her body, how it was moving, and the habits that were creating her pain, she started to discover new, easier ways to move that didn't cause pain. She had so much fun discovering all these new ways to move that felt so good! This made her want to keep doing more Feldenkrais, so she decided to do the 4 year training to become a practitioner. And now she is fully recovered, and she is running, dancing and playing tennis, and living a normal life free from pain. Yay! Tahnee's journey with Feldenkrais enabled her to develop a profound body awareness and effortless, free-flowing movements. She teaches this same process to all of her clients, and helps transform THEM into pain-free, slinky, joyful, empowered people. Her Feldy clients call her a "Professional Slinkologist!" She has poured all of her knowledge into her weekly "Total Body Freedom" classes. These online classes are a really easy, fun way to do a regular Feldenkrais class with Tahnee's expert guidance, without even leaving your house! “I enjoy the classes very much, tuning into your body and realising that help is close at hand. Tahnee’s guidance is fantastic. At the end of the class I always feel rejuvenated, balanced, as if a weight has been lifted off my whole body…” - Irmgard Kluge
If you suffer from any kind of body pain, like back pain, neck pain, or hip pain... this will interfere tremendously with your ability to speak with grace, confidence and power. Once you have a fully connected body, you will see a HUGE difference in your speaking! You will stand on stage with grace, ease and confidence. Your posture will exude power and credibility. Your movements will reveal your fluidity, your heart and your connectedness. You will truly embody the message you are speaking about. Tahnee includes Body Freedom practices in ALL her speaking coaching, as she believes that having a free, connected body is fundamental for anyone on a path of personal growth and self empowerment. |