* WANT TO DO THESE WONDERFUL LESSONS OVER AND OVER? --> BUY THESE POWERFUL AUDIOS! Each week you'll get an email the day after Tahnee's class.
It will contain a link to download that week's recording. You can listen to it in your own time, in your own house, via your computer speakers or your iPhone / MP3 Player. IT'S EASY!
IT'S A BARGAIN! Recordings of full length Feldenkrais lessons generally sell for $20 - $30 each. BUT Tahnee is offering you her Total Body Freedom Teleclasses as a Series Package... which brings the price down to only $12 per lesson! (She's practically giving them away!) |
"Total Body Freedom" Ten Lesson Series (2010)Click "BUY NOW" to download these powerful audio tracks now! |
"Total Body Freedom" Five lesson Series (2011)Click "BUY NOW" to make sure your receive these wonderful recordings at this special price! |